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Using Targeted Messages to Get People to Pick, Click, Give: A Natural Field Experiment in the State of Alaska

作者: 发布时间:2015-05-06 点击数:
主讲人: James Murphy
Dr. James Murphy is a Professor of Economics at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). He arrived at UAA in 2006 as the visiting Rasmuson Chair of Economics, and decided to remain at UAA as a full-time faculty member after his tenure as Chair ended in 2011.  Prior to arriving at UAA, he was on the faculty at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California Davis and studied experimental economics as a pre-doctoral fellow at the University of Arizona.  As part of a university partnership to develop a new experimental economics program in China, he is also a visiting professor at Nankai University and Chairman of their new Nankai Vernon L. Smith Experimental Economics Laboratory.
Dr. Murphy’s research focuses on the use of experimental methods to address environmental policy and natural resource management issues.  His recent research includes:
1. fisheries management in Alaska and in Chile;
2.  field experiments in Western Alaska and Far East Russia to study subsistence harvest practices;
3. charitable giving and philanthropy in Alaska;
4. issues related to enforcement of and compliance with environmental regulations, particularly emissions trading programs;
5. field experiments in Colombia to understand how rural communities manage small-scale natural resources;
6. the design of water markets in California.
He is an active board member of the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics and was a member of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee from 2011-2013. 
主持人: Yun Wang

In May 2008, the Alaska Legislature passed House Bill 166 which allows Alaskans filing for their permanent fund dividend online to donate all or part of this refund to eligible non-profit organizations around the state. In 2013, approximately 26,000 Alaskans contributed more than $2.4 million (or approximately 0.25% of the total amount received from the permanent fund). This paper reports findings from a natural field experiment implemented in conjunction with Pick,Click,Give designed to uncover why people donate through Pick,Click,Give and identify ways for the state of Alaska to increase both the number of donors and total dollars raised. More than 250,000 households throughout Alaska were randomized into either a control group or one of two treatment groups that received a personalized post-card. Our first treatment message highlights the personal benefits of giving and encourages individuals to “Warm Your Heart: Share Your PFD” Our second message highlights the benefits to other of giving and encourages individuals to “Make Alaska Better for Everyone: Share Your PFD”. Preliminary data suggest that our messages had a positive impact on giving; relative to 2013 we observe significant increases in the number of donors, average donations per donor, and total contributions.

地点:N302 经济楼/Economics Building